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Quick Start Guide

Unlock the full potential of your Unity games with the Eidolon.Controller package. Seamlessly integrate game controller input and elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Explore the comprehensive features below to master controller input management like a pro.

1. Detect Connected Controllers

Discover connected game controllers and initialize button mappings for PlayStation, Xbox, or generic controllers with ease.

// Detect connected controllers
bool anyControllerConnected = Controller.DetectConnectedController();

2. Get Button Input Names

Retrieve the input name for a specific button on the connected controller for seamless interaction.

// Get input name for the "Cross" button on PlayStation controller
string crossButtonInput = Controller.GetButtonName("Cross");

3. Input Mapping Made Easy

Check for controller specific input to make adding controller support a ton easier!

// Playstation
if (Input.GetKey(PlayStation.Circle))
Debug.Log($"Playstation Mapping: {PlayStation.Circle} Pressed!");
// Xbox
if (Input.GetKey(Xbox.A))
Debug.Log($"Xbox Mapping: {Xbox.A} Pressed!");
// Generic controllers
if (Input.GetKey(Generic.Start))
Debug.Log($"Generic Mapping: {Generic.Start} Pressed!");

3. Example Usage

Dive into an immersive gaming experience with the following example script:

using UnityEngine;
using Eidolon.Controller;
public class ControllerExample : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
// Detect connected controller
bool controllerDetected = Controller.DetectConnectedController();
if (controllerDetected)
Debug.Log("Controller detected! Get ready for immersive gameplay!");
// Example of getting Unity Input ID based on mapped button name
string crossButtonName = Controller.GetButtonName("Cross");
string circleButtonName = Controller.GetButtonName("Circle");
string squareButtonName = Controller.GetButtonName("Square");
string triangleButtonName = Controller.GetButtonName("Triangle");
// Display mapped button names for user reference
Debug.Log($"Cross button mapped to: {crossButtonName}");
Debug.Log($"Circle button mapped to: {circleButtonName}");
Debug.Log($"Square button mapped to: {squareButtonName}");
Debug.Log($"Triangle button mapped to: {triangleButtonName}");
Debug.Log("No controller detected. Connect a controller for an enhanced gaming experience!");
private void Update()
// Alternatively, check for input the usual way
if (Controller.DetectConnectedController())
// Playstation
if (Input.GetKey(PlayStation.Circle))
Debug.Log($"Playstation Mapping: {PlayStation.Circle} Pressed!");
// Xbox
if (Input.GetKey(Xbox.A))
Debug.Log($"Xbox Mapping: {Xbox.A} Pressed!");
// Generic controllers
if (Input.GetKey(Generic.Start))
Debug.Log($"Generic Mapping: {Generic.Start} Pressed!");