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Quick Start Guide

Unlock the full potential of your Unity applications with the Eidolon.OS package. Seamlessly integrate device-specific functionality and gather valuable system information to enhance user experiences and optimize performance.

1. Get Device Model

Discover the unique model of each user’s device to tailor experiences.

// Retrieve the device model.
string deviceModel = OS.GetDeviceModel();

2. Get Device Type

Retrieve the type of the device (e.g., Phone, Tablet) to adapt your application’s interface and features.

// Retrieve the device type.
string deviceType = OS.GetDeviceType();

3. Get Operating System

Ensure compatibility and optimize performance by knowing the device’s operating system.

// Retrieve the operating system.
string operatingSystem = OS.GetOperatingSystem();

4. Get Battery Level

Provide users with real-time battery status updates to manage their device usage effectively.

// Retrieve the battery level.
float batteryLevel = OS.GetBatteryLevel();

5. Get Graphics Device Name

Fine-tune graphics settings for optimal performance on different devices by retrieving the name of the graphics device.

// Retrieve the name of the graphics device.
string graphicsDeviceName = OS.GetGraphicsDeviceName();

6. Get System Memory Size

Optimize resource allocation by understanding the device’s available memory.

// Retrieve the size of the system memory.
int systemMemorySize = OS.GetSystemMemorySize();

7. Get Screen Width

Design responsive layouts by dynamically adjusting to various screen widths.

// Retrieve the width of the screen.
int screenWidth = OS.GetScreenWidth();

8. Get Screen Height

Design responsive layouts by dynamically adjusting to various screen heights.

// Retrieve the height of the screen.
int screenHeight = OS.GetScreenHeight();

9. Is Touch Supported

Create intuitive touch-based interactions by detecting touch support.

// Check if touch input is supported.
bool touchSupported = OS.IsTouchSupported();

10. Has Accelerometer

Enhance gameplay with motion-based controls by checking if the device has an accelerometer.

// Check if the device has an accelerometer.
bool hasAccelerometer = OS.HasAccelerometer();

11. Has Gyroscope

Enhance gameplay with motion-based controls by checking if the device has a gyroscope.

// Check if the device has a gyroscope.
bool hasGyroscope = OS.HasGyroscope();

12. Has Location Service

Provide location-based services tailored to user preferences by checking if location services are available on the device.

// Check if location services are available.
bool hasLocationService = OS.HasLocationService();

13. Get Device Language

Localize your application by automatically detecting the device’s language setting.

// Retrieve the device language.
string deviceLanguage = OS.GetDeviceLanguage();

14. Get Network Reachability

Ensure seamless online experiences by monitoring network reachability.

// Retrieve the network reachability status.
NetworkReachability reachability = OS.GetNetworkReachability();

15. Get Device UDID

Securely identify unique devices to personalize experiences and track analytics.

// Retrieve the unique identifier of the device.
string deviceUDID = OS.GetDeviceUDID();

16. Get Processor Type

Optimize performance by understanding the device’s processor capabilities.

// Retrieve the processor type.
string processorType = OS.GetProcessorType();

17. Get Processor Count

Optimize performance by understanding the number of processor cores on the device.

// Retrieve the number of processor cores.
int processorCount = OS.GetProcessorCount();

18. Get Processor Frequency

Optimize performance by understanding the current core processor frequency on the device.

// Retrieve the current core processor frequency.
int processorFrequency = OS.GetProcessorFrequency();