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Deploy Smart Contracts With Ease


The Eidolon Contract Deployer is a powerful tool in Eidolon.Unity that simplifies the process of deploying game-ready smart contracts directly from the Unity editor. Whether you need in-game currency, custom assets, or any other tokenized item, this tool lets you create and deploy assets effortlessly, all without writing a single line of smart contract code.

Key Features:

  • Deploy smart contracts with ease.
  • Customizable constructors and assets.
  • Game-ready contracts for use in all kinds of genres,
  • Automatically adds deployed contracts to the My Contracts editor tool for easy transaction building.


For this example, let’s deploy a custom token for use in our game.

1. Launch the “Deploy” Editor Window

To open the required window, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Eidolon menu in the Unity Editor.
  • Select Deploy and then click on In-Game Token.


2. Create an In-Game Token

  • Once the window is open, you can configure your in-game token:

    • Token Name: Enter a name for your in-game token.
    • Token Symbol: Define a symbol for your token (e.g., MTK for MyToken).
    • Total Supply: Specify the total supply of tokens you want to exist.
    • Pausable: Check this box if you want the contract to be pausable, allowing you to halt certain operations.


3. Deploy the In-Game Token

  • Click the Deploy In-Game Tokens button to initiate the deployment process.

  • Before deploying, the tool checks if a private key has been set using the Key Manager tool. You need a private key for contract deployment.

  • The tool then deploys your in-game token on the specified blockchain network.

4. Deployment Status

  • During the deployment process, the tool will display the deployment status.

    • Successful Deployment: If the deployment succeeds, the tool displays the contract’s address, and the token is automatically added to the My Contracts editor tool.
    • Deployment Failure: In case of failure, the tool provides details about the issue. Common issues include insufficient gas or RPC errors.

Start creating and managing blockchain contracts effortlessly with the Eidolon contract deployer, making blockchain integration into your Unity project a breeze.