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Secure Private Key Management


The Key Chain is an essential tool in Eidolon.Unity that allows you to securely manage your developer’s private key for deploying smart contracts directly from the Unity editor. It ensures your private key is stored safely and can be used when interacting with blockchain networks. This tool provides a convenient way to store, update, or delete private keys, and even check the balance associated with the private key address.

Key Features:

  • Securely encrypt and store a developer private key.
  • Easily update or delete stored private keys.
  • Check the gas balance associated with the private key address.
  • Conveniently manage your developer key within Unity.

Key Manager


1. Launch the “Key Chain” Editor Window

To open the Key Chain window, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Eidolon menu in the Unity Editor.
  • Select Key Chain and then click on Key Manager.

Key Chain

2. Adding a Private Key

  • When you open the Key Chain window, you’ll see fields to enter your private key and password. Fill in these details.

  • Click the Save Encrypted Key button to securely save your private key and password. This action encrypts the private key with your password before saving it to your computer.

3. Managing Private Keys

  • Once you’ve saved your private key, the fields will become non-editable. You cannot view the private key and password and cannot modify them directly.

  • If you need to make changes or want to delete the private key, you can do so by clicking the Change Key or Delete Key buttons.

4. Checking Gas Balance

  • The Key Chain also allows you to check the gas balance associated with the private key’s address on the blockchain.

  • The gas balance is displayed below the private key fields. This helps you ensure that your key has enough gas to cover contract deployments.


The Key Chain tool takes security seriously by using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption to store private keys. Here are some security features:

  • Private keys are securely encrypted with the password you provide.
  • Decryption only occurs when you access the private key for contract deployment.
  • You can change or delete stored private keys at any time.

By following best practices for managing your private keys, you can ensure the security of your blockchain interactions while enjoying the convenience of the Eidolon.Unity Key Chain tool.

The Eidolon.Unity Key Chain simplifies the process of securely managing private keys for blockchain contract deployment within the Unity editor. Its user-friendly interface and robust security measures make it an indispensable tool for blockchain development in Unity.